Unlimited users and devices
Add as many users, locations, and points of sale as you want
Subscribe to Kifa plans and packages and enjoy the best cloud POS features that suit your business
Start now with usمبيعات + فوترة الكترونية
Incorporation cost included
المبيعات + المحاسبة + إدارة الموادر البشرية + إدارة المشاريع والمهام
Incorporation cost included
Advantages | الباقة الأساسية | الباقة الشاملة |
Subscription period |
سنة كاملة | سنة كاملة |
عدد نقاط البيع |
one point | Unlimited |
فواتير المبيعات |
120 فاتورة | Unlimited |
فواتير المشتريات |
200 فاتورة | Unlimited |
Analytics and statistics interface |
الربط والتكامل مع الفوترة الإلكتورنية |
Employee training |
المحاسبة |
ادارة المشاريع |
إدارة المهام |
إدارة الموارد البشرية |
Add as many users, locations, and points of sale as you want
Synchronization of orders, customers and inventory data between the Kifa website and stores
Advanced inventory management features, and a record of inventory changes details for each product
Tracks your stock flow across all sales channels and locations
The possibility of adding an infinite number of purchase invoices and linking them with suppliers
The ability to securely extract a list of all customers' data into an Excel file
Plan the correct re-ordering procedures and reduce excess and out-of-stock
The ability to determine the amount paid for each request and record the remaining work balance
The ability to add a business logo to the project and have it appear on receipts and invoices